Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I'm gonna stick like glue... (day 19)

Sour Patch kids and retainers don't mesh well. ;) Title from the lyrics to:  Stuck on you by Elvis.


  1. Aww! We call the cat Sour Patch Kid a lot-although it is in reverse....first she's sweet, then she's sour! (she'll let you pet her and love all over you and the next second she's drawing blood)

  2. OMG my FAV candy EVER!!!!! The red ones are my absolute fav :)

  3. Because I'm stuck on you...or your retainer :)

  4. Haha! That's funny Jenn!! I had a cat like that once.

    I like the orange ones Kerrie!

    Deserae, the retainer would be B-A-D. lol!

  5. orange are my second fav. I eat the red and orange and leave the green and yellow for the kids. at least i share! lmao
